Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sicky sicky (as Dad would say haha)

So the past couple of days I've been..dun dun dunnnnnn ....sick : (. Sunday I started having a runny nose..followed by not being able to sleep all night, body aches, headache, super runny nose, hot head, and the chills. Ah no fun no fun! And since I'm a poor college student and I don't have any tissue paper I was living off of toilet paper to blow my nose..I WISH I had this contraption....

I totally would have worn it! hahaha would've added some great humor to my life lol! 


The Whittle Clan said...

Feel better sickie! Drink lots of water! Love ya.

RightHahn said...

I invented that toilet paper harness. :)

Get better soon - love you...

Mrs. Henshaw said...

oh you would!

The Five that Jive said...

That contraption is too cool. Great job Lindsay. Sarah, I hope you're feeling better now, or else you really are a sickie! hehe. Follow Kelli's instructions, drink lots of water, it does wonders!
Love you!