Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

So today...well actually yesterday..since it'd midnight here...but anywayz haha it is my DAD'S BIRTHDAY!!! He is such a superstar. I can honestly say that I consider him a best friend. Some times we do completely butt heads but that's only because we are SO much alike : ]. He is the most knowledgeable person I know. I always brag to my friends that my dad knows everything, because's true! He is such a social person, and he really cares about others. He is one of the most selfless person I have EVER met.  He has the best laugh ever, it's so contagious. I love him and I'm so blessed to have him as a Dad. : ]


The Whittle Clan said...

What a sweet picture of Dad and Mom. I am so glad that you have such a great relationship with Dad and can talk to him about anything. Dad is the best Dad in the whole wide world.

RightHahn said...

And sometimes - he even lets you hug him w/o complaining about it:) ha ha ha