Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo Tag!

So My sister Kelli tagged me in this.

This is a photo of my and two of my roomies...while we were majorly teasing my other roomate...long story but FUN night that involved hiding in my bed, turning the electricity off, and laughing so hard : )

I tag:
Dad and Mom

What you go is go to your pictures folder and find your 6'th picture, post it! Then tag someone else!



The Five that Jive said...

Sarah, I think I can take a guess as to what was going on behind this picture. You are too funny!! I'm sad that I didn't get to say goodbye to you guys before you left, but I know you guys didn't want to get sick:( Hope you had a great trip!!
Love ya!

The Whittle Clan said...

Sarah thanks for playing along with the photo tag. Fun to see some creative pictures. You are too cool!