So I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! I still can't believe it, I'm in complete shock! I was very much surprised! So yesterday he took me out to go snow mobiling. It was so so so windy we could hardly see anything, and the snow mobile just wasn't working right so we decided to head back. While we were driving back Danny's truck got stuck in a snow drift. So he called his friend to help us get out. We were stuck on this windy road out in the middle of nowhere and it was beautiful! Danny and I have this tradition of making wishes at random times ( Melissa and Ryan can attest to this haha) such as at 11:11, or 1:16 (my lucky number) or 3:33 and yea so it was 5:55 and we both made wishes. That's when Danny popped the question. He pulled out this white box and said "will you help make my wish come true". I was just like "WHAAT? NO WAY..NO WAY...YOUR KIDDING!" hahahaha it was awesome. In the white box was a CTR ring to stand for (choose the ring) and for danny to stress how he wanted our family to be founded on the gospel and making good decisions. He is taking me on saturday to "choose the ring".

Wow, what a wonderful proposal!! I love all of those beautiful flowers:) Congratulations!! I'm really excited for you and Danny, you make a fun couple!
Love you!
What a fun proposal. One that you can tell your kids someday. Love the flowers, they are all so pretty. Can't wait to meet Danny in person. He sounds like such an awesome young man. Have fun ring shopping! it groundhogs day? ha ha - j/k...
Make sure you post pictures of your ring - asap!!!
very funny! Ryan proposed to me in the snow near rexburg also. We are super happy for you. thats so funny that you guys make wishes at random times. I am so glad i witnessed it. :) We love you and support you and can't wait to meet him. Please don't plan the wedding for the end of june or begining of july. but... wait... you didn't come to our wedding... so we don't have to go to yours! HAHAHA!
Congratulations! Wow, my littlest sister is getting hitched! How about getting married in the Twin Falls temple? It is between Rexburg and Livermore, so both families could meet sort of half way. Just a thought...ha ha ha!
Ronny, you are hilarious!! I was actually hoping that she'd choose the Reno temple, then we could all vacation in Tahoe after:) It would make for an easy honeymoon! She could always have the reception later...hehehe. I'm excited, I hope that everyone can make it to the wedding so we can all be together again!!
Love you!!!
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