Friday, September 18, 2009


Twice a week at school we have a class called "Specialty". We usually learn about cool things like natural facials, our inspirations, goals, how to do cool nail stuff. It's like stuff to keep us motivated and such. Today Specialty was a very emotional class. The theme was "Past..Present..Future". We were told to sit and imagine that tomorrow is our funeral. Who would be there? Who wouldn't be there? What would we do today? Then our teacher told us a very personal story of her life about how her father took his life and her struggles with that. Then we each had the opportunity to share "our story". Everyone was bawling. It's surprising to hear everyones stories and what they have gone through. Everyone has their own story. Of course we all know what mine was. I shared how I have been blessed to have a very happy life. I shared the story of Danny and I because honestly that is the only really hard thing I've gone through. A lot of people came up to me afterwards and said how they had no idea and how when I told that they all started to cry. It was such a great experience to grow so much closer to everyone in that class because we were sharing the most tender things. We all have better understandings to love EVERYONE because you honestly NEVER know what they are going through.
I want all of y'all to know that I love you so much! Every person that has come into my life has made a huge difference. I'm sorry if I've ever hurt your feelings, or cause any of you pain. Life is short, and I don't want anyone to have a single doubt about me loving them.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Beauty Tips!

So I was talking to my beautiful sister Lindsey and she was asking me questions about her hair and I've decided I will share the wealth of my education at Paul Mitchell and put weekly tips for all y'all!

Hair Tip Of the Week:

It DOES matter what kind of shampoo and conditioner you use. I used to think that I could use Suave shampoo and just use awesome products like hairspray and what not and still have great hair. FALSE

Shampoo and conditioner are like the body. For example say I was making an ice cream sunday and I had the chocolate syrup and the carmel, the cherry, and all the other yummy goodies..but no ice cream. What kind of sunday is that? Not a very good one. Shampoo and conditioner can be compared to the ice cream. You have to have a good base for everything else to come together nicely.

So if you are aiming for volume and body, you can't use a cheap shampoo, it's the same for whatever you are aiming for with your hair.

So basically all of us always go for the cheapest stuff, we just don't have the money right? So we go to walmart and get the cheap stuff. Here is the catch. Why is it cheap? It's cheap because it's full of water and ingredients that do nothing to your hair and it's hardly concentrated at all meaning you have to use more of it. So in the end it's a lot more worth it to get a good quality shampoo and conditioner because you use less of it because it's so concentrated, plus it does the job for just a little more.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Late night journal entries

So basically I've decided to make this kind of my journal since I'm horrible at keeping a journal...I'm working on it though haha because I realized when I was engaged how sad it was that I never really kept a journal and here I was already married so I now I have a chance to go through dating games/process again and actually write it down! And no...I haven't gone on any dates....everyone seems to ask me that lately...

So life is super busy with school and PMDC (paul mitchell dance crew) I will do a whole blog on that later.

Tonight is one of those nights....
-I have these kind of nights about..6 times a week
-really depends on if I can get myself to sleep fast enough to not have time to think
-so I've decided that I really must have some kind of mental problem to still be in love with a complete jerk

Someone please answer this question:
How is it possible to know to a full extent that you can do better, that this guy doesn't treat you right, that he doesn't really care about you...etc. etc. etc. AND YET STILL literally ache to be with him again?!
MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The day that I can go a full week without missing him once will be the day that well I don't even know how to finish.

Sorry to be such a downer...I know that no one likes to read or hear negative things..but I've decided this is going to be my truth way of getting all the negative out of my head and onto this if this kind of stuff just makes you sad...don't read it. I COMPLETELY understand. This is more for me then anything.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Hair Academy Paul Mitchell Partner School

I'm finally here!!!!! YAYYY!!!! I've had SO much fun this week I can't even BEGIN to describe. I have no doubt this is the place for me. Everyone there is SO nice and fun! The very first things that we have learned and studied is about being our best selves. The first couple of days we didn't learn anything about hair and our teachers just focused on us as people. It was so great to get to know the other girls and know that we are in a safe environment where we aren't just learning about beauty but learning how to be better people in general.
Yesterday was Christmas in July. We got so much's just a small taste..

Here is the has majority of the tools I will be using...super snazzy huh?
This is the Kit came with SO much stuff. I pulled out the blow dryer, straightener, curling iron and mirror that all fit inside.
My apron, and two capes : ]
This is my nail kit! It has everything having to do with nails in it!
This has a razor, and all the stuff to cut guy's hair with : ]
This is my tripod case.
This would be my tripod with a mannequin head on top. I got two mannequin heads that we practice on.

So basically I'm overwhelmed with all this stuff but having a blast. I'm loving everything I'm learning and really enjoying it and can't wait to put it to use!
I thought I was in love with Paul Mitchell before but now I have an entire Paul Mitchell family! This school really cares about its students, clients, employees, and everyone!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Upside down

So obviously everything about my life has changed since the last post...
I wanted to express my gratitude and love to my family and friends who have simply asked how I'm doing. Just that simple question with the right intention has meant so much to me. It's nice to know that people actually care.
To be completely honest..I'm not okay..but I know that I WILL be ok. Every day is now a huge struggle, and I don't know exactly what to do with myself. Usually I smooth talk everything..but hey this is a blog/journal right..I'm going to be blunt and brace yourself. I still love much, not any less then I did when we were engaged. I literally have to talk myself out of texting/calling him every day. I was so blessed to have been surrounded by family and friends right after the break up happened, so I was incredibly busy. Now I'm in Rexburg, and facing my worst fear...loneliness. It' s something I HAVE to go through, even though I hate it. At this point I can't even think of dating anyone else because I'm still in love with Danny..but I have to go through the whole dating game again. I've always heard that life is hard, but before this I never really understood. I always thought others were just not optimistic enough. Now I completely understand. I'm experiencing what it's like to lose a best friend and have all your dreams and hope completely shredded.
I am still optimistic. I'm not about to let this ruin me, I just have a ways to go before I'm the normal Sarah again so I apologize if I come across different. Right now the only thing I really do trust in is that Heavenly Father loves me. I know I will come out of this a better person...I can't wait for that day! Thanks again every body for being there for me, supporting me and loving me. It's made a world of difference. Especially my brother Ryan. He has his own little way of expressing love such as coming up with analagies about Danny being a wolf in sheeps clothing lol. My brothers aren't the most lovey dovey people ever..but I really enjoyed being with them the past week in West Point. I just hope someday someone will love me and only me and I sure hope they are like my brothers and dad!

Monday, June 1, 2009

livin lovin life

These past weeks have been very entertaining because my friends FINALLY came back to livermore from the far away colleges : ].  Megan and I found the brides maid dresses..and also discovered multiple ice cream places in livermore/pleasanton haha it's been very fun. My highlight of hanging out with megan is me all of a sudden dancing like an idiot and completely embarrassing her in public : ]

   Here is a picture of Megan, Andrea and I taken by the one and only Vince. He laughed for HOURS because of this picture...he thought it was funny how megan and I looked like that in front of the "self improvement sign" is quite funny know that I look at it.

We are planning on mailing out the invitations this week...yay!
Took my bridal pictures today at Ravenswood...Brother Chamberlain took them. It was super fun to be in my dress! Thank goodness Lindsay was there, or I would have been one awkward duck! haha She knows how to make me pose : ]

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dance dance dance!

                When: July 11th!
                Where: On the patio at the Prusso Residence

                 What: CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE!!!!! to a mix of incredibly fun up beat songs : ]

                 Who: Ronny, Jenn and kids
                 Kim Curtis and kids
                 Kelli Jared and kids
                 Randy Lindsay and kids
                 Lindsey Rick and kids
                 Ryan Melissa and kids


*side note*
  Solos will be given 
  No excuses..all WILL participate... hahaha : ]

Saturday, May 9, 2009

check list

1.) Got engaged- check
2.) Be super excited- check
3.) Wedding dress- check : ]
4.) Job- check 
5.) wedding color/ theme- check
6.) Wedding location- check 
7.) Date set at the temple- check 
8.) Invitations- struggling, but in the process
9.) Food/catering- WAS a check..but we found out in-n-out only caters in So Cal : [
10.) Bridesmaids- too hard to pick and choose the bestest of friends...but will decide soon lol

Friday, April 24, 2009

still alive

Hey y'all!
so I know it's been WEEKS since i've posted on here. I've discovered it's a lot easier to blog in Idaho then in idea why haha! Anyways I'm back here in Livermore..loving it, loving the heat ( even though it was so so so hot the other day) and loving being where I grew up and around family : ]
BUT I miss my fiance horribly : [ we text and call often but I miss actually being around him. So it's tough but hopefully these three months will fly by.
I got a job! I will be working at the National Food Laboratory by Costco. I'm super nervous but hopefully I'll get the hang of it real quick. I have tons of pictures to post so I'll do that soon. Love y'all!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So many birthdays!

So today(well yesterday) was Danny's birthday...the big 22! His mother made him the famous italian cream cake which he loves...and chicken pot pie. It was very yummy! I covered his bedroom door with post-it notes where I wrote him a love note : ] I put balloons in his room, along with his present. It was quite fun! He's an incredible young man, and I'm so lucky to be loved by him!  He's a complete gentleman : ] and is the most service orientated person I've ever met (besides my parents of course : ] )
Not to mention he's SUCH a stud!

 anddddd today is RANDYS BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Just thinking about Randy makes my heart get bigger about 5 times. Heavenly father knew exactly what he was doing when he helped Randy move to Livermore with his family years ago. I remember the first day thinking "this is so awesome...I'm so blessed to have them nearby" and to be completely honest with you..that feeling NEVER went away. He is just an all around amazing guy. I love love love him to death, even when he pushes me away when I'm trying to hug him haha! 

Overall my life is surrounded with amazing people, and I just can't stand it! LOL! I seriously want to write a book on how my family is BY FAR the best : ] I think it would sell..don't you?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

So today...well actually yesterday..since it'd midnight here...but anywayz haha it is my DAD'S BIRTHDAY!!! He is such a superstar. I can honestly say that I consider him a best friend. Some times we do completely butt heads but that's only because we are SO much alike : ]. He is the most knowledgeable person I know. I always brag to my friends that my dad knows everything, because's true! He is such a social person, and he really cares about others. He is one of the most selfless person I have EVER met.  He has the best laugh ever, it's so contagious. I love him and I'm so blessed to have him as a Dad. : ]

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sicky sicky (as Dad would say haha)

So the past couple of days I've been..dun dun dunnnnnn ....sick : (. Sunday I started having a runny nose..followed by not being able to sleep all night, body aches, headache, super runny nose, hot head, and the chills. Ah no fun no fun! And since I'm a poor college student and I don't have any tissue paper I was living off of toilet paper to blow my nose..I WISH I had this contraption....

I totally would have worn it! hahaha would've added some great humor to my life lol! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Okay so danny and I got a ring! ah! I love it, it's exactly what I wanted....I've gotten many requests to post a here it is haha : ]

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Proposal : ]

So I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! I still can't believe it, I'm in complete shock! I was very much surprised! So yesterday he took me out to go snow mobiling. It was so so so windy we could hardly see anything, and the snow mobile just wasn't working right so we decided to head back. While we were driving back Danny's truck got stuck in a snow drift. So he called his friend to help us get out. We were stuck on this windy road out in the middle of nowhere and it was beautiful! Danny and I have this tradition of making wishes at random times ( Melissa and Ryan can attest to this haha) such as at 11:11, or 1:16 (my lucky number) or 3:33 and yea so it was 5:55 and we both made wishes. That's when Danny popped the question. He pulled out this white box and said "will you help make my wish come true". I was just like "WHAAT? NO WAY..NO WAY...YOUR KIDDING!" hahahaha it was awesome. In the white box was a CTR ring to stand for (choose the ring) and for danny to stress how he wanted our family to be founded on the gospel and making good decisions. He is taking me on saturday to "choose the ring". 

  After we had gone to his house and talked to his parents he took me to Gringos which is a mexican restaurant in town. On the table we were sitting at was this beautiful bouquet of flowers. Aren't they beautiful?!?!
 When we got to my apartment there was these beautiful flowers on the table. A long time ago danny bought me flowers similar to this..and I over watered them and they died. If you any of you have seen the movie "How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days" you'll understand the sign that he left with these flowers that said "Don't let OUR love fern die" 
Then I walked into my room and I saw these beautiful flowers on my dresser. So many surprises! I love flowers, and I plan on drying these and keeping them forever! Danny also wrote up a long letter describing why he loves me. It was such a romantic and magical night, and I will always remember it. I love him, and I can't wait for this journey to begin!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo Tag!

So My sister Kelli tagged me in this.

This is a photo of my and two of my roomies...while we were majorly teasing my other roomate...long story but FUN night that involved hiding in my bed, turning the electricity off, and laughing so hard : )

I tag:
Dad and Mom

What you go is go to your pictures folder and find your 6'th picture, post it! Then tag someone else!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back to the 80's

So Friday night a famous DJ in town put on an 80's dance party! It was way exciting! Danny had the flu that day so I was out taking care of him and didn't have much time to get ready, but my good friend Emily quickly assembled an outfit for me and teased my hair big time! It was so so so huge! I got a tone of compliments on it, (I think they were just amazed at how big it was lol). It was fun to have someone else do all the work for me haha. It was way fun, I got my groove on, danced like a fool, and had a blast! I guess I was supposed to be a rocker girl that went to rock concerts everyday hahahahahahaha good times : )

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

         Danny and I made home made bread the other night. His mom used to make it 2 times a week when he was a little boy so he's a sucker for home made food. Which is great for me...cuzz I'm such a pro at baking and cooking..hahahahahahahahaha
Anyways it turned out great! It's way good!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Love me some family : )

So I had the BEST Christmas that I can remember. This was the first Christmas where I honestly just didn't care about the presents and just wanted to be with family. A lot is going on in my life and in my siblings this year and every day I realize how important my family is to me. I was so so so blessed to see majority of my family. I can't even begin to express my love for everyone I'm related to. 
I could never hold Baby Jonah enough...or run around with Alta...
Garron and Mathias slept over a lot and I just loved it! I looked forward to it every day. I've been so blessed to see them grow up and to have them near by. My heart is so full of love for everyone. I just wish I could express it in a better way...hmmm : )
P.S.- no family beats the HAHN family..we just rock at life : )