Thursday, August 14, 2008

Best 3 weeks!

Sooo as all of you know I had the best opportunity to be an EFY counselor this summer. I did it for 3 weeks, 2 in Provo and one in Fresno California. It was an AMAZING experience. I cannot even begin to describe! I learned so much, and I've already put so much of it to use being home for only a couple of days.
The theme this year was Steady and Sure, the scripture was Mosiah 5:15 (awesome scripture go read it!)
So my first week I was assigned to just another guy counselor Ben Gardner. It was his first week ever also. This was kinda worrisome haha, but it ended up working great. Because we both were new we had to really work together. He is an amazing guy and we had a lot of fun together. We still text and keep in contact it's great.
My kids the first week were kinda shy, but they were great! I love and miss them!
This is Ben (my first co counselor).
This is Erin she wasn't my co counselor but we got to know eachother really well. She goes to BYU-Idaho so i'm way excited to see her up there! She's so fun and I love her. By the way the green polos are the shirts we had to wear everyday so people knew we were counselors.
Here is Erin again, this is at the Friday night dance outside. We were both put on dance duty, which is where you are assigned a duty at the dance, ours was to make sure no non Efy participants tried to sneak in haha (and yes it happens lol)
Here is my co counselor in Fresno. His name is Marc Harrison, he is actually really good looking but because he is making a fish face......HAHAHA just kidding. But he was great. I had some crazy kids in Fresno and he helped me deal with them lol!
Every Wednesday night it's games and pizza night. Games night is where your company (which is my kids and my co counselors kids combined) make up a cheer/skit and perform it in front of judges, create a banner saying the company name, and play a ton of games with the entire session(everyone at EFY). It's super fun, and it's a great opportunity for the kids to really bond. This picture is of my first group of kids, the banner is upside down..of course, hahaha.

These are just a few of many, and I will most deff add to this blog with more pictures, I just have to go develop them.
Being an EFY counselor was amazing (i know i've said the already haha). It was hard because I had to wake up at 5 am and couldn't go to bed until after midnight, and I was going going going all day. Yet it was so rewarding. 
Everyday I would have a devotional with my girls, and every other day I would teach the devotional to the entire company. Every day was scheduled, yet I had the opportunity to entertain my kids during the down time, such as waiting in lines or during lunch. It was great teaching them games, songs, or getting to know the youth. The youth are amazing and I honestly became great friends with them. I already miss them a lot!
The other counselors were so amazing, We all became one huge family. 
It was great because everyday I was teaching and learning and doing what I love which is working with the youth, teaching, and being involved with the gospel, plus I got to dance and sing and everything else!
I could probably write a novel on what I have learned but ya'll are probably bored by now!
But lets just say I plan to bring the EFY spirit home, and it's already made a huge difference in my life. I look at everything with a different perspective now. 
I love ya'll so much! The church is true! And remember to "always be abounding in good works" and dont ever forget Christ and if you can achieve that, that you can achieve anything!


The Five that Jive said...

Yay Sarah! I'm so glad that you had an amazing time. It sounds like it was a wonderful learning adventure for you and I'm so glad that you were able to do it:) Congrats!
Lindsey J

The Whittle Clan said...

What an awesome experience! So glad you had the opportunity to do it. Never forget the feelings you had and keep on strengthening your testimony. You are such a great example. Love you tons.

RightHahn said...

Awesome, Sarah!! I never went to EFY - but I was often confused as a 'lost participant'. During the summer semesters fellow BYU students would tell me, "I think your EFY group just went THAT way" - as I was walking to class or the library:) Nice, huh?

I'm so glad you had a great and half way safe experience. No more falling out of beds, silly girl!!

Love you tons - and hopefully we'll get to see you some time before you leave!!

The Barbers said...

How fun!!! It's good you take so many of the opportunities that come your way. It makes life fun!