Thursday, March 20, 2008

I was Tagged! : )

Melissa Tagged me!

1.Link to the person that tagged you
2.Post the rules on your blog
3.Share 6 non important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag at least 3 people at the end of your post and link to their blog
5.Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
6. Let the fun begin!

1.)I've discovered that I snore...a lot. I'm kind of devastated by this. LOL. How on earth is my husband to tolerate this? It's quite a bothersome thing to me and i'm not sure what to do.....lolllll

2.) I cannot draw hearts if my life depended on it! I swear i was supposed to be a boy because I just cant do all the little girly things. I have horrible handwriting and I cant draw hearts! Kinda sad huh? lol I practice all the time..but yanno...oh and i cant whistle...hmm

3.) Everyone knows I want to be a Cosmetologist, and i'm so excited because I love it and it's a passion for me. But my biggest passion is dancing. I love it so much! I'm by far not the best but that doesn't stop me! Everytime I go to a show or anything with dancing my legs start to twitch and I long to be performing with them! If I could I would love to be a professional dancer. This explains why i'm taking three dance classes up at school next semester : )

4.) I'm a very touchy feely person. I'm the only one in my family that is like that. I love hugs and I think it's because it's the insecure part about me. I always worry that my siblings are annoyed of me or think i'm , or like Carrie better lol. So i'm constantly giving them hugs because it reasures me that we love eachother. Too bad for them that they hate it hahaha : )

5.) I cant pick a style to stick with hahaha. Like one day i'll like dressing like a hick, or the next day a punk, or the next day a prep., or hippie. Like I just cant ever decide! I love al styles and I wish I could stick with one..but I just cant haha!

6.) Some wierd quirks about me are: When I eat apple sauce it has to be cold. I drink my orange juice with ice. I cant eat corn on the cob. If someones hood is inside out...I freak haha! I hate having wet socks. I honestly love everyone and I just cant darn help it! 

ok hmmm lets see...I tag Mardi Barber, Ryan Hahn, Rick Johnson : )

1 comment:

The Five that Jive said...

I'll let Rick know that he's been tagged. You are so funny!! I love you so much...and I may not like the hugs on the outside...on the inside...I love them alot...hehehehe. Love you!!!
Lindsey J