Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy birthday Randy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Randy is one of the most amazing people I know! I love him so much! I remember when I was little when someone would make me cry, or sad Randy was always one of the first tom comfort me. He'd come up to my room and comfort me then always get me to laugh. 
He has so many talents. I honestly cant name a single thing he isn't good at! I'm so proud to call him my brother! He can always bring a smile to your face. He is such a good father, and brother to me. I just hope that my future husband is just like him! love you Randy!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Megans home!!!!

So my best friend Megan was on her spring break this week and we spent every day together it was amazing!  It was so good to be back with the besties, Lauren, Vince, and Megan. Andreas spring break is this week...so we'll see here soon! <3
Oh and that picture is of Vince Megan and Lauren giving me there million dollar smiles : ) 

oh and btw Happy Easter!!! I hope you al are having an amazing day! It's so great to have a day to celebrate the resurrection of Christ! What a miracle!
Today I played the flute for a song the ward choir was singing. I was asked to do it a long time ago and of course I said yes, and a little later I had lost my copy of the music. PANICK ATTACK! HAHAHA luckily mom found it within dads millions of work papers.
But I was still  a nervous reck, last night I couldn't sleep because I hadn't practiced with the choir and ahh! But it went great! thank goodness its over! It was really fun though!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I was Tagged! : )

Melissa Tagged me!

1.Link to the person that tagged you
2.Post the rules on your blog
3.Share 6 non important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag at least 3 people at the end of your post and link to their blog
5.Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
6. Let the fun begin!

1.)I've discovered that I snore...a lot. I'm kind of devastated by this. LOL. How on earth is my husband to tolerate this? It's quite a bothersome thing to me and i'm not sure what to do.....lolllll

2.) I cannot draw hearts if my life depended on it! I swear i was supposed to be a boy because I just cant do all the little girly things. I have horrible handwriting and I cant draw hearts! Kinda sad huh? lol I practice all the time..but yanno...oh and i cant whistle...hmm

3.) Everyone knows I want to be a Cosmetologist, and i'm so excited because I love it and it's a passion for me. But my biggest passion is dancing. I love it so much! I'm by far not the best but that doesn't stop me! Everytime I go to a show or anything with dancing my legs start to twitch and I long to be performing with them! If I could I would love to be a professional dancer. This explains why i'm taking three dance classes up at school next semester : )

4.) I'm a very touchy feely person. I'm the only one in my family that is like that. I love hugs and I think it's because it's the insecure part about me. I always worry that my siblings are annoyed of me or think i'm , or like Carrie better lol. So i'm constantly giving them hugs because it reasures me that we love eachother. Too bad for them that they hate it hahaha : )

5.) I cant pick a style to stick with hahaha. Like one day i'll like dressing like a hick, or the next day a punk, or the next day a prep., or hippie. Like I just cant ever decide! I love al styles and I wish I could stick with one..but I just cant haha!

6.) Some wierd quirks about me are: When I eat apple sauce it has to be cold. I drink my orange juice with ice. I cant eat corn on the cob. If someones hood is inside out...I freak haha! I hate having wet socks. I honestly love everyone and I just cant darn help it! 

ok hmmm lets see...I tag Mardi Barber, Ryan Hahn, Rick Johnson : )