Friday, April 24, 2009

still alive

Hey y'all!
so I know it's been WEEKS since i've posted on here. I've discovered it's a lot easier to blog in Idaho then in idea why haha! Anyways I'm back here in Livermore..loving it, loving the heat ( even though it was so so so hot the other day) and loving being where I grew up and around family : ]
BUT I miss my fiance horribly : [ we text and call often but I miss actually being around him. So it's tough but hopefully these three months will fly by.
I got a job! I will be working at the National Food Laboratory by Costco. I'm super nervous but hopefully I'll get the hang of it real quick. I have tons of pictures to post so I'll do that soon. Love y'all!


Kimberly said...

Congrats on finding a job! How long is it? What do you do there? I hope the 3 months fly by for you too. Love ya Kimberly

Mrs. Henshaw said...

Lets get together and I will help you with any wedding stuff and we can catch up!

PS. I'm really good at bargain shopping for weddings, and organizing it all!

brandilyn said...

wee thank you!! i have been so SO excited. it's going to be cool to become so close with a group of people and have a blast. how is wedding schtuff going? do you have a dress?? you must be so excited. when i think of mine and mr. dave's engagement, all i can remember is feeling like it would never ever come and it was like the longest couple months of my life...and then it was that day and i didn't know how it had snuck up on me so fast and it went by in a blur and i kinda maybe remember it...and we've just been blissful ever since. but time flies. haha so good luck!! your day's going to be gorgeous.

The Whittle Clan said...

Sarah, I am so happy you found a job. That will help the time go by quicker, I promise. Just think it is only like 77 more days. That really isn't that long. Trying to make you feel better. Is it working? Hang in there and stay busy, that will help. Love ya.