Friday, February 27, 2009

The Proposal : ]

So I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! I still can't believe it, I'm in complete shock! I was very much surprised! So yesterday he took me out to go snow mobiling. It was so so so windy we could hardly see anything, and the snow mobile just wasn't working right so we decided to head back. While we were driving back Danny's truck got stuck in a snow drift. So he called his friend to help us get out. We were stuck on this windy road out in the middle of nowhere and it was beautiful! Danny and I have this tradition of making wishes at random times ( Melissa and Ryan can attest to this haha) such as at 11:11, or 1:16 (my lucky number) or 3:33 and yea so it was 5:55 and we both made wishes. That's when Danny popped the question. He pulled out this white box and said "will you help make my wish come true". I was just like "WHAAT? NO WAY..NO WAY...YOUR KIDDING!" hahahaha it was awesome. In the white box was a CTR ring to stand for (choose the ring) and for danny to stress how he wanted our family to be founded on the gospel and making good decisions. He is taking me on saturday to "choose the ring". 

  After we had gone to his house and talked to his parents he took me to Gringos which is a mexican restaurant in town. On the table we were sitting at was this beautiful bouquet of flowers. Aren't they beautiful?!?!
 When we got to my apartment there was these beautiful flowers on the table. A long time ago danny bought me flowers similar to this..and I over watered them and they died. If you any of you have seen the movie "How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days" you'll understand the sign that he left with these flowers that said "Don't let OUR love fern die" 
Then I walked into my room and I saw these beautiful flowers on my dresser. So many surprises! I love flowers, and I plan on drying these and keeping them forever! Danny also wrote up a long letter describing why he loves me. It was such a romantic and magical night, and I will always remember it. I love him, and I can't wait for this journey to begin!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo Tag!

So My sister Kelli tagged me in this.

This is a photo of my and two of my roomies...while we were majorly teasing my other roomate...long story but FUN night that involved hiding in my bed, turning the electricity off, and laughing so hard : )

I tag:
Dad and Mom

What you go is go to your pictures folder and find your 6'th picture, post it! Then tag someone else!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back to the 80's

So Friday night a famous DJ in town put on an 80's dance party! It was way exciting! Danny had the flu that day so I was out taking care of him and didn't have much time to get ready, but my good friend Emily quickly assembled an outfit for me and teased my hair big time! It was so so so huge! I got a tone of compliments on it, (I think they were just amazed at how big it was lol). It was fun to have someone else do all the work for me haha. It was way fun, I got my groove on, danced like a fool, and had a blast! I guess I was supposed to be a rocker girl that went to rock concerts everyday hahahahahahaha good times : )