Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Well it's been an incredibly long time since I've much has happened and I've been super busy!
 Thanksgiving break was so much fun! It was so great being to be able to spend time with family that I havent seen in forever and a day! 
My last couple of weeks in rexburg were stressful but the best. I had finals which actually went pretty well. It began to snow which was so fun. 
I went with Danny to his family wards Christmas dinner, it was so nice going to a family ward, having little kids every where and the older couples! I met a lot of people that had a big influence in Danny's life and it was just so great!
It was hard saying goodbye to Danny, but we've been keeping in touch through texting, phone calls, emails and all that good stuff everyday.
My trip home was absurd..with the snow storm...driving 30 mph...hitting black ice..losing control of the car..the car losing all power in Malad Idaho...not being ale to find a mechanic...sitting in the the freezing car for 4 hours...Curtis saving the day and picking us up and taking us to the airport.
Anyways I'm finally home and loving it! It's been great seeing friends and family. I just love Livermore!

1 comment:

The Barbers said...

What a nightmare!!! I'm so sorry your holidays started that way! I hope Christmas made up for it.