ahhh!!!! I know i know I actually did it! Yes, I cut off 10 INCHES!!!!! I've had long hair since forever and I've always wanted to see what I look like with short hair...my roomates didn't think I had the guts to do it. So one day I just went and did it. I had my hair donated to Locks of Love, so someone who doesn't have hair now has my hair.
It's really different, but I love it! It's so easy and so much more voluminous! I do miss my long hair but i'm not sad about it at all!
Finally you posted pictures of your cute hair! I totally love it! It looks so good on you and you look tons older! I hope you are doing well without your loved one. :(
You look gorgeous darling!
So you are probably wondering who Emily is...well I guess she logged on right before me and so that is why!
The comment was really from me!
Love ya!
hahaha ok I was like..emily..emily...emily nelson? emily summers? hahaha and thanks! I just had to copy you with the whole hair thing..you just look so good!
Sarah, I love your hair. Now you know that you look great with both long and short hair. Go with what ever makes you feel like a woman and of course is easier to take care of. :)
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