Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Conference Weekend

So this past weekend had the amazing opportunity to drive down to Utah!
Hayley, Courtney, and Chelsea drove down with me. The drive was great, we talked about efy the entire time haha. Hayley and I were both counselors and courtney wants to be one this summer.

After I dropped everyone off at different places I went to a home in South Jordan. My roomate Eva is really close to a family...they have triplets (all girls) a little boy and a baby girl. I got to know the family really well when I visited eva last Christmas and when I spent time with them last conference. They rented a HUGEEEEEE house! It had 12 bedrooms. along with a theater, a gym, play room, and many other cool features. A pool was outside with a fountain, a spa under the fountain, a slide and another spa. 

Anyways I was invited to stay at the house and help watch the kids. They gave Eva and I tickets to the saturday morning session of conference. It was amazing! We were in the middle to the left so we got to watch the prophet walk in. It was raining sooooo hard! After walking to the car I looked like a wet dog!
I was able to visit with Lindsey and Kim, and all the kids! It was amazing! I love my sisters and all my nieces and nephews!!!! They make me uber happy!
Afterwards I helped Eva put the kids to sleep, then I went on a blind date!
A co counselor from EFY set us up. It was really fun we went to this really cool park, and played a bunch of games.
Sunday we watched conference, and headed home!
The drive home was great! All of us roomates had missed eachother and were so excited to be reunited! We sang songs at the top of our lungs made some fun bathroom breaks etc.

It was a great weekend, the Baker family (family I stayed with) was soooo generous..and I LOVE the kids!
Conference was so uplifting and helped answer some questions I had had. 
Overall best weekend!


The Five that Jive said...

Glad that you had a wonderful weekend! It was great to see you! Good luck with the rest of your semester!!
Love ya, Lindsey J

RightHahn said...

Glad you had fun!! Sounds like all the crazy things I used to do:)


The Whittle Clan said...

I am so glad you are having a great semester so far and that your conference weekend was so amazing. I am so happy that you get a long with your roommates too. What a difference that makes.