Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've been Tagged!

Hey!!!!! Sooo I've been TAGGED! My sisters Kim and Lindsey both tagged me!
So I have to say 6 random things about myself....this should be fun...

1.) So the weirdest stuff creeps me out. Like all the fake birds that my siblings love to give my parents....and all the gnomes in my back yard...of the commercial of the pear dressed up like a pirate! Scary! I think it's just that they are so weird that they creep me a weird way haha! I know....i'm weird LOL

2.) So I didn't realize I did this until my roomates pointed it out to me. Everynight before I can go to sleep I have to fix my blankets/sheets. They have to be perfect! They have to be tucked in...then I slip in and roll over and fix them again making sure they are all even and covering me completely. hahaha i'm so crazy. Of course when I wake up they are just a mess but as long as they are perfect when I go to sleep haha!

3.) So everyone knows I want to be a cosmetologist but I dont just want to work in a salon...BORING! I want to go BIG...i mean go big or go home right? So I would love to style models hair for Vogue...or for fashion shows...or for the show Project Runway. I love all the crazy,artsy, weird but so fun hair dos! So I decided to do my roomates hair like a girl that I saw on a fashion turned out pretty well! See how it's totally different? That's the point! Love it!

4.)  When i'm driving I have to be listening to music. I'm always singing, and dancing and having fun. I love to drive!!!!! I could drive forever and not get bored as long as I have my music. I often find myself talking to the people i'm driving by, and then laughing at myself because I'm so weird lol! Now the talking to people part isn't as weird as it sounds...i'm talking saying...oh i love her hair...or hey i know you! A lot of people I drive with get super upset with other drivers...but I feel like that just stressed out the passengers so I try and make a joke out of the's really fun you should try it!

5.) I LOVE to dance. It's such a passion of mine! I just love love love it! Whenever I hear music I have to move somehow. It's so hard for me to go to musicals, or anything involving dance, because I'm not up there dancing! That's part of the reason I love colorguard, it's dance with equipment love it! I guess I just love to perform...well just about anything! When you perform you can be something your totally not for awhile, you get to pretend like you totally know what you are doing, I just love it!

6.) I love blankets, and pillows and all that kind of stuff. I have wayyy to many blankets, but I think it's just something I collect. I feel like you can never have too many. I love super soft huge pillows, and body pillows, and the super soft blankets....ah love them!!!! Especially when they are purple or zebra print!

I tag.... Ryan Hahn, and Randy Hahn...hahahaha : )

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So the amazing roomates and I decided to take pictures! We took them today and already have frames up on our wall to put them in. Our apt this semester is super cute...LOVE IT!

So Friday night the colorguard had it's first performance!!!!!! It was at a local high school football game. It was beyond any cold i've ever known. Somehow we were able to get our fingers moving!I kept trying to come up with fun games to distract from the cold.
The performance went great! I'll have someone film it and post it for sure! It was way fun because we got to ride in a bus...and we sang songs...laughed was great!

This weekend was Mothers weekend...unfortunately mom didn't get to come : (
Hayley, and Courtneys mom came along with her aunt. They were so fun, and just wanted to have a we showed them the ropes! They fed us amazing food, decorated our apt. gave us tons of hugs...and candy! So even though it would've been a million times better if mom was there it was still fun!. Hayleys mom calls anyone that she really loves super stars...and I guess she really loved us cuzz she called us the superstar apt!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Conference Weekend

So this past weekend had the amazing opportunity to drive down to Utah!
Hayley, Courtney, and Chelsea drove down with me. The drive was great, we talked about efy the entire time haha. Hayley and I were both counselors and courtney wants to be one this summer.

After I dropped everyone off at different places I went to a home in South Jordan. My roomate Eva is really close to a family...they have triplets (all girls) a little boy and a baby girl. I got to know the family really well when I visited eva last Christmas and when I spent time with them last conference. They rented a HUGEEEEEE house! It had 12 bedrooms. along with a theater, a gym, play room, and many other cool features. A pool was outside with a fountain, a spa under the fountain, a slide and another spa. 

Anyways I was invited to stay at the house and help watch the kids. They gave Eva and I tickets to the saturday morning session of conference. It was amazing! We were in the middle to the left so we got to watch the prophet walk in. It was raining sooooo hard! After walking to the car I looked like a wet dog!
I was able to visit with Lindsey and Kim, and all the kids! It was amazing! I love my sisters and all my nieces and nephews!!!! They make me uber happy!
Afterwards I helped Eva put the kids to sleep, then I went on a blind date!
A co counselor from EFY set us up. It was really fun we went to this really cool park, and played a bunch of games.
Sunday we watched conference, and headed home!
The drive home was great! All of us roomates had missed eachother and were so excited to be reunited! We sang songs at the top of our lungs made some fun bathroom breaks etc.

It was a great weekend, the Baker family (family I stayed with) was soooo generous..and I LOVE the kids!
Conference was so uplifting and helped answer some questions I had had. 
Overall best weekend!