Thursday, January 31, 2008

Still alive and kickin!

 So i'm back in case you didn't know! And NO i'm not taking a semester off of school..and I didn't get kicked out haha i'm just home because I go to school over the summer haha! 
So hm what have i been up to? Well first things first I had to see some of my amazing BESTIES! (for you old fold that means best friends haha). It was so good seeing them and having S.L.A.M. back together (S-sarah L-Lauren, A-Andrea, M-Megan). I had missed them a lot, and it was good to see that we had grown..yet still sisters! <3

                            This is me andrea and megan, dont ask what megan is doing, well ok she's being megan haha.
                                       Megans wondeful photography of!

 LOL so this picture is funny because as you can tell we were having a photoshoot...and megan was trying to get a picture of me in the air like jumping..well I jumped too high and totally fell on my this is right after...totally embarresed...all the tourists from china behind me were laughing there heads off haha.
                      I guess the supposed "muscles" I got from cheerleading..aren't really paying off.
                                               Vince, megan and pict huh?

1 comment:

The Whittle Clan said...

Those pictures are so fun. You look cute as always. I love your hair! I am glad you are enjoying your work. Keep up the great work. Make lots of money!