Monday, November 17, 2008

And things get better and better

Danny and I...such a good picture don't you think? haha
The birthday girl (Katelyn) and Danny
Hey y'all! So these past two weeks have flown by! Lots of school stuff, church stuff, friends stuff, boy stuff etc!
So this past weekend was my roomates birthday! She is an incredible young lady! I love her! She is hilarious because all she eats is air popped pop corn with "I can't believe it's not butter" sprayed a million and 2 times on it, and millions and millions of gumballs everyday. So we got her gumballs and popcorn for her birthday. We went to "Wingers" for dinner, it was super fun!
Life has been.............GREAT! : )

Sunday, November 9, 2008

what's up?!!!

Hey y'all! So Halloween was great! I dont remember if I wrote about it in my last blog..hmm not sure.
Anyways everything is going fantastic! It's getting cold here which is crazy, but still fun. It snowed a couple days ago and we got like 2 inches worth..maybe know me and my math skills haha.
So this week I've actually done/seen a lot of things i've never done/seen before!!!
So I have a guess I'll him my "friend-boy" his name is Danny. I was over at his house the other day and he was chopping wood, and I split a whole log in half with an ax! It was so fun, I didn't think I would be able to do it...but I did!
Also this weekend he and his dad were building a tank and I had the privilege of watching them Weld it together. It was surprisingly way fun.  So yes, that's my exciting news for the week!

Oh and here is a video of our final show for band/ hardly see me at all except at the end because in the beginning i'm on the left side, and the camera only shows the right side. But still you'll get the idea of the show I helped put together! Just click on the link below...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Viking Marching band and what not!

            Brand new guard uniforms that I got to pick out! yay!
                        The best band ever..playing music in the stands...all of us guard girls would always dance and sing to their beautiful music!
                                   Here's a shot of us during one of our performances!
Hey y'all! So life has been crazy! I've had colorguard performances up the whing whang! I had my last one on saturday! It was way sad, but it was a great performance. All of my roomates went, and also the local High school band came (they performed during half time). It was so great seeing a high school band and guard perform...brought back TONS of memories!
The season has been great, all of us girls got a long great! It was stressful having to write a routine, teach it, make it work with the formations..BUT SO WORTH IT!
I loved being a part of the band, we had so many cheers, and songs and sayings we would say. Everyone was way spirited and I loved it!
The band director from the local middle school was at our last performance...he came up to me afterwards and asked me to help choreograph his winterguard routine. So this should be fun!