So on Sept 6th, I left my beautiful, amazing, fun home in Livermore California, and headed up to good 'ol Rexburg Idaho.
On the way I was able to eat lunch with Kim and Lindsey (my two amazing older sisters). It was short but way worth it and way fun! I love my older sisters and so look up to them!
My roomates are way sweet and fun! I'm rooming with a young lady from Texas!
So i'm on overload this semester. I'm taking :
Intro to Theater
Child Development
Preparation for Eternal Marriage (haha dont laugh it WILL happen lol)
Marching Band
Way fun classes! I love all of my teachers..they are just laying the work on THICK so far. But i've been really good and as soon as I get home I do my homework so Dad should be proud haha!
I'm not actually in the band but I'm doing colorguard! The instructor for the colorguard had an emergency and was not able to come to school this semester. So................
I'M THE INSTRUCTOR!!!!! ahhh!!!!!!! haha
It is WAY awesome. A ton of stress but way fun! I have 8 girls on the team (which is way good...only 3 last semester)
The band is amazing we all get a long great and have a lot of spirit! We will perform at football games...go to High school games...perform for the faculty and is the quad a couple of times.
Way Exciting!
So my French class...well...haha My first day I look JUST like this.......

hahaha NO lie! My past two semesters I've taken French from a young man that served his mission in France and he was good but...well easy. So now I have a new teacher..she was born and raised in France and just in the past year came to the U.S. So she NEVER speaks english...like EVER...hence the look on my face. I was really worried at first but i'm beginning to be able to understand what she is saying..or at least get the gist of it haha! It shall be an adventure!