Saturday, April 26, 2008


So i'm back! I'm loving it so far! I have amazing roomates, and I love living off campus and having my own kitchen! I have an AWESOME ward! Everyone is super friendly and some very cute boys haha! (Dad erase that part from your memory haha). My classes are great! I'm really enjoying my Geology, American Heritage, French, Book of Mormon, Country dance, and Choir classes haha! So my roomate has a super sweet skateboard and I decided I wanted to learn how to ride one! And well...lets just say I ended up just riding on my stomach haha! Miss and love you all! <3

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The last Days

So this past week has been AMAZING! We were so blessed to have Ryan, Melissa and Alta stay at our house! It was so fun hanging out with them....even though they woke me up at 9AM every..morning...bleh..but it was still fun! Ryan is super fun and I love him dearly! Melissa is amazing and so fun and gorgeous! Alta is just the cutest thing ever and i just love her squishy cheeks! I miss them already! <3
Lauren, Andrea and I drove down to Monteray Bay( which is where Megan goes to school). It was super fun I got to hang out with some of her friends, we went to the beach, partied hard, acted stupid, dumb, and silly haha and it was a blast! It was so good to be back with my besties! And it's even greater that we can all be at different colleges...not see eachother for months and still be able to hang out like nothing had changed!

I have to admit this has been the hardest month ever...and it's only the 13th! haha
So I'm leaving this Friday for school. I'm excited! I'll get to see my friends, meet new friends, meet new boys : ) and many other things!
Yet....I'M STRESSING! lol
I've noticed I get attached super easily to people, and things! I love my family so incredibly much, I've been crying every night because I miss everyone, plus knowing that life in Livermore is going to go on without me.. GASP!
I've been SO SO SO blessed with the most AMAZING people ever here in Livermore. I couldn't ask for better companions and examples in my life. 
I've talked about this to family here..and they just say I need to grow up. But well...sorry! My heart just keeps expanding every day and I love everyone more and more! My friends and siblings are getting sick and tired of me complimenting them everyday but I cant help it! I honestly love you all! 
Dont get me wrong i'm super excited for school and I will have the time of my life...but I will sorely miss my life here in Livermore.
Oh well! Thats life huh? Well all y'all HAVE to keep in touch....and if you can
visit me on my birthday! haha <3